

Count it all Joy

Life can be funny sometimes.  We all face our own unique trials and temptations.  And then, we also experience life "highs" and those mountaintop moments. And THEN, there are those in-between periods that can be uneventful and/or full of questioning and wondering what's next.

Since our recent move to GA (more to come on that in the future!!), I've been experiencing a rather drawn-out "in-between" period.  There have been SO many blessings and SO many mountaintop moments and answered prayers... the list could go on and on.  However, the devil is sneaky and deceptive.  He feeds us all sorts of lies and blinds us, at times, to what is TRUE.  So, when your joy has been sucked out of you and you feel like you just need some fresh air - count it all JOY. (James 1:2-4) These battles are temporary and their known.  They're completely known - by our Father.  He fights for us.  He is interceding for us.  He loves - more than we could ever comprehend.  Sounds all too common or cliche? Well, sweetheart, some things are just so good that they're repeated OFTEN. ;)

To make this somewhat practical, here are 5 ways to seek joy when you're feeling overwhelmed, lonely, or simply lost:

#1. Take time each and every morning to wake up before your daily duties and pray, read His word, and write 3 things you're thankful for.  There is something about a fresh, early morning routine that will set your day/week straight.  I used to be one of those people that would advocate for us non-morning folk by claiming that I "thought" better in the evenings.  Maybe.  But, it's SO important to just start things off with God and thinking of those areas in which He's blessed you.

#2. Organize.  Maybe this isn't everyone.... but if my house is a hot mess, I'm a hot mess.  There have been times where I will lay awake at night just thinking about how things aren't right in our casa. (Yes. I'm crazy. Matthew will vouch for this one.)  Log into your Pinterest account and behold - SO many organizational tips and tricks.  Go through your closets and donate.  Clean out the pantry and/or fridge (We are horrible at hording various dressings/BBQ sauces. Ugh.). Get rid of those missing-lid food storage containers.  It will make you feel lighter and more peaceful.  Promise.

#3. Go on a walk.  Tonight, I went on a walk in our neighborhood.  There were SO many things I didn't notice before... gorgeous roses in a yard a few houses down, pretty lawn mower lines (my fave!), all the dogs, and then... a hummingbird on my front door wreath!!  I was so excited.  I wish I would've taken a picture! I also met a sweet neighbor lady. <3 When Matthew and I moved here, we dedicated our new home to the Lord.  We wanted to make an impact on anyone that came through our doors and on each neighbors.  It's so exciting to see how God is making things happen - even for a super awkward introvert like myself! Ha!

#4. Set slow, practical, attainable goals.  Last year, I purchased Powersheets from a company called Cultivate What Matters.  Powersheets are a cross between a planner and bullet journaling (maybe?).  I don't know.  They're in a field of their own.  Anyway, they have been wonderful! I'm really TERRIBLE at starting things like this and then becoming overwhelmed because I set the bar too high.  Ha! This format keeps things simple and helps with mindset issues.  (They also have a fabulous community on Facebook that is a great place to start.)

#5. Clean up your social media or simply remove it altogether.  Most of the time, social media is not helpful - especially when you're struggling with your joy.  It's all too easy to spend invaluable time mindlessly scrolling.  Plus, there are far too many negative posts that are simply unedifying.  If you find yourself using Facebook, IG, etc. to find fault with others, get rid of it.  Most of the time, social media only paints one side of the story.  So, set ground rules for yourself.  Eliminate accounts that don't bring about positivity or are unhelpful altogether.  Take a day (or two... or more) off.  Rest your mind.  Focus on things that truly matter.

That's all.  Make room for joy.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
James 1:2-4

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